What's the common problems and solutions of the access control system-part 1?

Th e access control system ha s always been an important part of the security system. There are a lot of access control issues every day, most of the access control issues are related to the details and frequently appear in the actual project. One may encounter this issues no matter it is a novice or an expert in access control system. Today, let’s know more about the access control issues and troubleshooting to those frequently appeared problems in the actual projects of the access control system. 1), In the access control system, how to effectively prevent anti-trail? Answer: Anti-trailing has always been the most difficult access control problems to solve in the access control system. It’s also the most frequently appeared problems in the actual project and must be solved in all the access control system projects as it's one of the primary functions of the access control system. There are several suggested ways to solve this acce...